SCP-914 Experiment Log

This page is currently set up so that anyone with a wikidot account can vote and create/edit/delete entries. You are encourages to try it out and see how it works.

In particular, if you find a way to break it, please tell me so I can fix it or at least document it.

The list is currently configured to hide any entries rated -3 or worse, and to sort them by ascending number. This would be easy to change though, so if something else is desired we can try that instead.

Note to all Researchers:
Please include your name on all records, along with date and total number of items "refined".

Researchers are responsible for all "Output". Should damage or loss of life occur, the researcher will be subject to administrative review and possible disciplinary action.

Biological testing has been suspended. Any biological testing must be cleared by O5 Command.

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Test 914-2
Name: Dr. Test
Date: 04 Apr 2017 07:00
Total Items: Testing a test

Input: A test
Setting: fine
Result: Mousetrap the boardgame

Test 914-3
Name: Dr. Test Again
Date: 06 Apr 2017 06:00
Total Items: Some test items

Input: bleb
Setting: bleb
Result: bleb

Test 914-5
Name: Dr. Science
Date: 14 Apr 2017 07:00
Total Items:

Input: A thing
Setting: Fine
Result: A different thing that relates to the first thing in an amusing or thought provoking manner.

Test 914-6
Total Items:

Input: Testing
Setting: 1 2
Result: 1 2

Test 914-7
Name: Dr. Henderson
Date: 13 Apr 2017 05:00
Total Items: One US half dollar cent circa 1955, Book of Sarkic Scripture, SCP-2891

Input: One US half dollar cent circa 1955
Setting: Very Fine
Result: One half gold Bullion

Input: Book of Sarkic Scripture
Setting: Rough
Result: Book of Sarkic Scripture. No changes.
Note: That explains some things — Dr. Henderson

Input: SCP-2891
Setting: Fine
Result: SCP-2891 was found to have properties that lasted much longer than it originally had.
Note: Can we throw this thing at 682? — Dr. Henderson

Test 914-10
Name: Redirect Test
Total Items: Redirect

Input: experiment-log-914-entry:10
Setting: redirect
Result: experiment-log-914

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